Seeking Expert Physiotherapy Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Back pain can be caused due problems with the disc, lower back or ligaments. The pain further escalates as our age increases. Our body undergoes a certain amount of physical pressure resulting to injury or trauma in the spinal area. Once the problem surges, it makes difficult to perform daily activities.


Sitting in a wrong posture for long hours, injury during a workout or genetic problem can cause lower back pain. Seeking physiotherapy treatment for back pain from a professional therapist is an ideal way to overcome from the problem. Therapists are highly trained to diagnose the problems in areas like joints and soft tissues. However, it is important to learn the symptoms before undergoing the treatment.

The symptoms can range from limited body movement, pain while standing or sitting for long hours or nerve pressure. The pain can increase further when the individual faces hardship in performing daily work making the pain unbearable.

Causes of Back Pain:

Slipped disc is considered as the major cause of the back pain. Other causes are:

  • Bone Injuries during workout
  • Poor Sitting Posture
  • Bulging Discs
  • Ligament Sprains

Physiotherapy Treatment for Back Pain:

Physiotherapy treatment from professionals is proven to be an effective way to solve the health problems. In Central London, you would come across some of the best physiotherapists who can offer you with a permanent solution for back pain. After taking a comprehensive assessment, you’ll be given manual therapy, which includes spinal manipulation and massage session.

As a rehabilitation process, you’ll undergo lower back exercises which should be followed on a daily basis for better body structure.

There are some private physiotherapy clinics in London who are certified and licensed, eligible to offer back pain therapy treatment. Connect with to find the right one in London whom you can trust.


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